Case Study: Optimizing API Production Through AI-Guided Enzyme Engineering
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Acylases Enzymes Design and Optimization

Our advanced enzyme AI design platform - EnzymoGenius™ specializes in delivering tailored solutions for acylase AI design, aimed at advancing drug synthesis and biomanufacturing for scientific research purposes. Our services encompass cutting-edge technologies and expertise in enzyme engineering, computational biology, and AI-driven design strategies.


In drug synthesis, acylases are indispensable tools for the development and production of pharmaceutical compounds. They contribute to the synthesis of key intermediates and final products by selectively cleaving acyl moieties from precursor molecules. This enzymatic specificity ensures the generation of high-purity active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs), minimizing unwanted by-products and reducing the need for extensive purification steps. Acylases are particularly valuable in the synthesis of antibiotics, antiviral drugs, and various other therapeutic agents.

A computer-assisted design of AHL acylase PF2571 was performed to modify its substrate scope.Fig 1. A computer-assisted design of AHL acylase PF2571 was performed to modify its substrate scope. (Wang D, et al., 2022)

In the realm of biomanufacturing, acylases find applications in the production of a wide range of bio-based products, including biofuels, bioplastics, and specialty chemicals. These enzymes enable the modification of acylated compounds, enhancing the value and functionality of the final products.

The advent of artificial intelligence (AI) has revolutionized the field of enzyme design, including acylases. AI-based approaches have emerged as powerful tools for tailoring enzymes to meet specific requirements in drug synthesis and biomanufacturing processes.

Products and Solutions Offering

Custom Products

Custom-engineered acylases designed to suit specific drug synthesis and biomanufacturing needs. These acylases exhibit exceptional substrate specificity, high catalytic activity, and stability in a wide range of conditions.

Custom Solutions & Tools

  • Enzyme Optimization. Leverage AI-driven strategies to enhance enzyme catalytic efficiency, substrate binding, and stability.
  • Bioprocess Enhancement. Improve bioprocesses by integrating custom acylases. These solutions optimize reaction kinetics, yield, and purity, leading to cost-effective and sustainable biomanufacturing.
  • Enzyme Design Algorithms. We offer advanced enzyme design algorithms that enable the rapid and precise customization of acylases. These algorithms are characterized by their efficiency, accuracy, and adaptability to various molecular targets.
  • Data Analytics Tools. Our suite includes data analytics tools for in-depth analysis of enzyme-substrate interactions. These tools facilitate the identification of optimal reaction conditions and assist in the design of efficient bioprocesses.

Process for AI Design of Acylases

1. Data Collection. Gather comprehensive data on acylases, including sequences and structural details.

2. Feature Extraction. Extract relevant enzyme features from the data, enhancing model accuracy.

3. Model Training. Train machine learning models using curated data to recognize patterns.

4. Predictive Modeling. Use trained models to predict enzyme properties, validating with experimental data.

5. Rational Design. Apply AI insights to engineer desired enzyme properties, potentially through mutagenesis.

6. High-Throughput Screening. Test designed acylases in high-throughput assays for performance evaluation.

7. Application. Integrate AI-designed acylases into processes, continuously monitor, and optimize for consistent performance.

Why Choose Us?

  • Precision and Efficiency. Our custom acylases and algorithms deliver precise and efficient solutions, minimizing the use of resources and time.
  • Cost-Effective Biomanufacturing. Our bioprocess enhancements lead to cost savings by maximizing yields and reducing waste.
  • Accelerated Discovery. Virtual screening and machine learning models accelerate the discovery of promising enzyme candidates.
  • Optimized Drug Synthesis. Enzyme engineering results in improved catalysts for drug synthesis, leading to higher-quality pharmaceuticals.
  • Data-Driven Decision-Making. Data analytics tools empower researchers to make informed decisions, enhancing research outcomes.

EnzymoGenius™ offers a comprehensive range of cutting-edge products and solutions tailored to drug synthesis and biomanufacturing research. Our precision-driven approach, coupled with advanced AI algorithms, ensures efficiency, cost-effectiveness, and accelerated discovery. For inquiries and collaborations, please contact us.


  1. Wang, D.; et al. Enhancing the inhibition potential of ahl acylase pf2571 against food spoilage by remodeling its substrate scope via a computationally driven protein design. Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 2022, 70(45): 14510-14521.

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