Case Study: Optimizing API Production Through AI-Guided Enzyme Engineering
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HiFi Hot Start DNA Polymerase Design and Optimization

Our advanced enzyme AI design platform - EnzymoGenius™ specializes in tailoring enzyme products and solutions for the precise manipulation of DNA and RNA molecules, exclusively for applications within the pharmaceutical and biotechnology scientific sectors. We are committed to advancing genetic research and analysis by providing cutting-edge enzymatic tools and services that meet the highest standards of quality and precision.


HiFi hot-start DNA polymerase refers to a specialty enzyme possessing the capability to amplify DNA with a high level of accuracy and efficiency. Leveraging a unique 'hot-start' mechanism, it significantly lowers the potential risk of undesired primer-dimer formatons and nonspecific amplification—two elements notorious for reducing the quality of DNA amplification. Harnessing the power of this enzyme encourages DNA synthesis to commence more effectively once the temperature reaches optimal levels during the PCR process, thus ensuring superior control over the experimental outcomes. Renowned for its high fidelity, it maintains a stringent proof-reading activity, making it instrumental for applications demanding ultra-precise DNA replication such as cloning, mutagenesis, and sequencing. The exquisite balance of high processivity and minimal error rate makes it a prized component in the biotechnological and pharmaceutical sectors, offering a valuable solution to DNA and RNA manufacturing and manipulation.

Role of high-fidelity (HiFi) polymerase in the overall transposon synthesis process.Fig 1. Role of high-fidelity (HiFi) polymerase in the overall transposon synthesis process. (Kaszubowski J D, et al., 2022)

Products and Solutions Offering

Custom Products

Our product line includes a range of HiFi hot-start DNA polymerase variants, each designed to cater to diverse applications:

  • HiFi Enzyme. Our flagship product, known for its exceptional fidelity and amplification efficiency.
  • Thermal Stability Variants. Designed for extreme temperature conditions, these variants maintain stability in a wide range of thermal cycles.
  • Specialized Formulations. We offer polymerases optimized for specific applications, such as long-range PCR or high-throughput screening.
  • Multiplexing Polymerases. Tailored for multiplex PCR, these enzymes enable simultaneous amplification of multiple DNA targets.

Custom Solutions

  • Protocol Optimization. We optimize PCR protocols for your specific templates and experimental conditions.
  • Primer Design. Designing custom primers to enhance PCR specificity and efficiency.
  • Template Preparation. Assistance in DNA and RNA template preparation, ensuring high-quality templates for amplification.
  • Next-Generation Sequencing Support. Comprehensive support for NGS applications, from library preparation to data analysis.

Features of Our Products

  • High Fidelity
  • Hot-Start Technology
  • Wide Temperature Range
  • Low Error Rate
  • Enhanced Specificity

CD Biosynsis offers a comprehensive suite of enzyme-related products and services, from sequence analysis and enzyme design to consultation and protocol development. Our cutting-edge technologies and expertise support a wide range of applications critical to advancing research in genomics, drug development, and structural biology. For inquiries and to harness the power of our enzyme solutions, please contact us today.


  1. Kaszubowski, J. D.; et al. Beyond the Lesion: Back to High Fidelity DNA Synthesis. Frontiers in Molecular Biosciences. 2022, 8: 811540.

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