Case Study: Optimizing API Production Through AI-Guided Enzyme Engineering
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Ligase Design and Optimization

Our advanced enzyme AI design platform - EnzymoGenius™ specializes in delivering tailored solutions for the precise manipulation and manufacturing of DNAs and RNAs, exclusively designed for pharmaceutical and biotechnology research purposes. Our comprehensive suite of services encompasses the development and provision of ligase-based products and customized solutions, empowering researchers to optimize their experimental processes with cutting-edge enzymatic technology.


Ligase is an essential class of enzymes within biotechnological and pharmaceutical research due to its vital role in DNA and RNA manipulation. Specifically, ligase catalyzes the formation of a phosphodiester bond between two strands of double-stranded nucleic acids, enabling the joining of disparate strands. As such, it finds extensive utilization in applications that involve the manipulation or alteration of nucleic acid sequences, such as the production of recombinant DNA, gene splicing, and DNA repair studies. Therefore, the acquisition of high-quality ligase becomes a key factor in ensuring efficiency and accuracy within related laboratory procedures. It's also worth noting that directed evolution or synthetic biology approaches provide an avenue for improving the properties of these enzymes, thus broadening their application potential. It's this robust utility that underscores the importance of ligase in modern biological research and pharmaceutical development.

Integration of the ligase chain reaction with the CRISPR-Cas12a system.Fig 1. Integration of the ligase chain reaction with the CRISPR-Cas12a system. (Yan X, et al., 2022)

Products and Solutions Offering

Custom Products

  • HiFi Enzyme. Our flagship product, known for its exceptional fidelity and amplification efficiency.
  • Ligase Enzymes. Highly purified ligase enzymes with superior catalytic efficiency.
  • Ligation Kits. Comprehensive kits containing ligase enzymes, buffers, and control substrates.
  • Custom DNA/RNA Constructs. Tailored nucleic acid constructs designed for specific research needs.
  • Nucleotide Libraries. Diverse libraries of modified nucleotides for specialized ligase applications.
  • Ligation Buffers. Optimized buffers for improved ligation reactions.

Custom Solutions

  • Assay Development. Crafting bespoke assays for ligase-related experiments.
  • Protocol Optimization. Fine-tuning protocols to meet unique research requirements.
  • Custom Ligase Engineering. Engineering ligases with specialized properties.
  • Product Design. Designing ligase-based molecular constructs for various applications.

Applications Fields in Research

  • Gene Editing
  • DNA Amplification
  • Cloning and Recombinant DNA
  • RNA Interference
  • Molecular Diagnostics
  • Drug Discovery

Technical Advantages

  • AI Algorithms
  • Nanotechnology
  • CRISPR-Cas Systems
  • Next-Generation Sequencing
  • Synthetic Biology

CD Biosynsis offers a comprehensive suite of enzyme-related products and services, from sequence analysis and enzyme design to consultation and protocol development. Our cutting-edge technologies and expertise support a wide range of applications critical to advancing research in genomics, drug development, and structural biology. For inquiries and to harness the power of our enzyme solutions, please contact us today.


  1. Yan, X.; et al. Integration of the ligase chain reaction with the CRISPR-Cas12a system for homogeneous, ultrasensitive, and visual detection of microRNA. Analytical Chemistry. 2022, 94(9): 4119-4125.

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