Case Study: AI-Driven Enzyme Engineering Revolutionizes Fabric & Household Care
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Lipase Design and Optimization for Dishwashing Detergents

Lipase Design and Optimization for Dishwashing Detergents

EnzymoGenius™, our advanced enzyme AI design platform, specializes in providing comprehensive lipase-based solutions for the field of dishwashing detergent research. With a focus on enzyme engineering and optimization, we deliver innovative products and technologies tailored to the unique challenges and opportunities in this domain.


Utilizing lipases in dishwashing detergents exhibits significant aptitude, thus becoming a hot application and a focal point of rigorous research. By virtue of their ability to hydrolyze long-chain fatty acid esters, these enzymes exhibit a pronounced efficacy in emulsifying and eliminating fat/oil-based stains. This superb ability to degrease makes lipases a lucrative addition to detergent formulations. Contemporary research is concentrated on enhancing the thermostability and broad pH tolerance of these lipases, as most dishwashing cycles operate under high-temperature and alkaline conditions. Emanating research strategies, such as directed evolution, protein engineering and immobilization of these lipases propose an amplified efficiency under harsh conditions, thereby applauding their application in dishwashing detergents.

Characterization of detergent-compatible lipasesFig 1. Characterization of detergent-compatible lipases from Candida albicans and Acremonium sclerotigenum under solid-state fermentation conditions. (Safdar A, et al., 2023)

Furthermore, the eco-friendly nature of these biotechnological catalysts aligns well with the sustainability-oriented approach of numerous detergent formulators, adding deserving attention to the exploration of these lipases in this industrial application. Critics believe such advancements potentiate an enhanced cleaning performance, coupled with reduced environmental repercussions.

Products and Solutions Offering

Custom Products

  • Lipase Variants: Tailored lipase variants with optimized characteristics, such as improved thermal stability and compatibility with various detergents.
  • Enzyme Libraries: Comprehensive libraries of lipases for screening and selection, facilitating enzyme discovery.
  • Immobilized Lipases: Immobilized lipase formulations for increased reusability and longevity in detergent applications.
  • Co-enzymes and Cofactors: Essential components to maximize lipase activity in detergent formulations.

Custom Products

  • Effective Lipase Selection: We assist in choosing the right lipase enzymes for dishwashing detergent research by using lipase libraries and molecular modeling.
  • Engineered Lipase Performance: Our expertise lies in enhancing lipases through protein engineering to make them work better in dishwashing detergents.
  • Optimized Detergent Formulation: We guide you in combining lipases with other enzymes and surfactants for powerful yet eco-friendly dishwashing detergents.
  • Eco-Friendly Degradation: Lipases help in making detergents more biodegradable. We help you create formulations that break down fats and oils effectively, reducing the environmental impact.

Services Process for Lipase Design and Optimization

1. Enzyme Characterization: Initial assessment of available lipases to determine their suitability for dishwashing detergent applications.

2. Engineering: Rational design or directed evolution techniques are employed to modify lipases for enhanced performance, stability, and substrate specificity.

3. High-Throughput Screening: Testing lipase variants and libraries to identify the most efficient catalysts.

4. Formulation Development: Collaborating with detergent researchers to incorporate lipases into environmentally friendly, high-performance detergent formulations.

Technical Advantages

  • Molecular Modeling: Employing computational approaches to design lipase variants with desired properties.
  • Directed Evolution: Utilizing evolutionary principles to improve lipase performance.
  • High-Throughput Screening: Rapid assessment of lipase candidates for detergent applications.
  • Enzyme Immobilization: Developing techniques to immobilize lipases, enhancing their reusability.
  • Biodegradability Assessment: Evaluating the environmental impact of detergent formulations with lipases.

CD Biosynsis is a pioneer in delivering enzyme-based solutions for the fabric & household care sector. Our suite of services covers enzyme identification, optimization, formulation, and compatibility testing. These solutions apply to various research areas, from enzyme kinetics to formulation chemistry, environmental impact, and enzyme engineering. Our technical advantages encompass enzyme profiling, high throughput screening, custom formulation, a sustainability focus, and a commitment to continuous research. Contact us to explore the limitless potential of enzyme-based solutions for cleaning and care.


  1. Safdar, A.; et al. Characterization of Detergent-Compatible Lipases from Candida albicans and Acremonium sclerotigenum under Solid-State Fermentation. ACS omega. 2023, 8(36): 32740-32751.

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