Case Study: AI-Driven Enzyme Engineering Revolutionizes Fabric & Household Care
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Pectate Lyase Design and Optimization for Dishwashing Detergents

Pectate Lyase Design and Optimization for Dishwashing Detergents

EnzymoGenius™, our advanced enzyme AI design platform, specializes in providing comprehensive pectate lyases-based solutions for the field of dishwashing detergent research. With a focus on enzyme engineering and optimization, we deliver innovative products and technologies tailored to the unique challenges and opportunities in this domain.


Recent developments in the field of enzymology have spurred a surge of interest in pectate lyases, with applications in dishwashing detergents at the forefront. Pectate lyases, a class of enzymes, have garnered attention for their ability to break down pectin, a complex polysaccharide found in plant cell walls. This property makes them valuable in the formulation of detergents, as they aid in removing food residues, particularly those rich in plant material. Researchers are actively investigating the optimization of pectate lyases for use in dishwashing detergents, aiming to enhance their stability and activity in various washing conditions.

Origin, characterization, structure, and application of pectate lyases.Fig 1. Origin, characterization, structure, and application of pectate lyases. (Maiti S, et al., 2020)

Additionally, pectate lyases are being explored in the context of environmentally friendly detergents. Their biodegradable nature aligns with the growing demand for sustainable cleaning products. Scientists are working on harnessing these enzymes in novel formulations to reduce the environmental impact of dishwashing detergents. In summary, pectate lyases are emerging as a crucial component in the evolution of more effective and eco-friendly dishwashing detergents, promising a cleaner, greener future for kitchen cleaning.

Products and Solutions Offering

Custom Products

  • Advanced Enzyme Catalysts: Our platform offers a range of pectate lyases specifically designed to enhance the performance of dishwashing detergents.
  • Custom Enzyme Blends: Tailored blends of pectate lyases are available to meet the unique requirements of different detergent formulations.
  • Enzyme Stabilizers: We provide stabilizing agents that ensure the longevity and effectiveness of pectate lyases in detergent solutions.

Custom Products

  • Enzyme Formulation Enhancement: Pectate lyases can be harnessed to optimize the formulation of dishwashing detergents, increasing their ability to break down tough food residues and stains.
  • Stain Removal Efficiency: Leveraging pectate lyases can significantly improve the removal of pectin-based stains, often found in fruits and vegetables, from dishes and utensils.
  • Eco-Friendly Detergent Development: By incorporating pectate lyases, research can lead to the creation of environmentally friendly detergents that are biodegradable and less harmful to aquatic ecosystems.
  • Residue Prevention: Pectate lyases can be used to design detergents that minimize the formation of residue on dishware, glassware, and cutlery.

Services Process for Pectate Lyase Design and Optimization

1. Enzyme Screening: We employ a rigorous screening process to identify the most suitable pectate lyases from a diverse enzyme library.

2. Enzyme Engineering: Utilizing molecular biology techniques, we optimize the enzymatic activity, substrate specificity, and stability of pectate lyases.

3. Formulation Integration: We integrate the optimized pectate lyases into dishwashing detergent formulations to achieve the desired cleaning efficacy.

4. Performance Testing: Rigorous testing under various conditions ensures that the pectate lyases perform effectively in real-world dishwashing scenarios.

Technical Advantages

  • Molecular Modeling: Employing state-of-the-art software for the 3D modeling of enzymes to guide rational design and modification.
  • High-Throughput Screening: Utilizing automated platforms to rapidly test thousands of enzyme variants for activity and specificity.
  • Bioinformatics Tools: Leveraging computational tools to analyze enzyme sequences and predict their behavior under different conditions.
  • Enzyme Immobilization Techniques: Using advanced methods to immobilize pectate lyases for long-term stability in detergents.

CD Biosynsis is a pioneer in delivering enzyme-based solutions for the fabric & household care sector. Our suite of services covers enzyme identification, optimization, formulation, and compatibility testing. These solutions apply to various research areas, from enzyme kinetics to formulation chemistry, environmental impact, and enzyme engineering. Our technical advantages encompass enzyme profiling, high throughput screening, custom formulation, a sustainability focus, and a commitment to continuous research. Contact us to explore the limitless potential of enzyme-based solutions for cleaning and care.


  1. Wu, P.; et al. Origins and features of pectate lyases and their applications in industry. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology. 2020, 104: 7247-7260.

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