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Algae Strain Modification

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Background of Algae Strain Modification

Algae strain modification is a powerful tool for improving the productivity and sustainability of microalgal cultivation. Microalgae are eukaryotic organisms that have the potential to produce a wide range of high-value products, including biofuels, nutritional supplements, and pharmaceuticals. However, the efficiency of microalgae cultivation is limited by their genetic potential, which can be improved through strain modification.

CD Biosynsis offers tailored solutions, high-quality services, and expert support to improve photosynthetic efficiency in microalgal strains using strain selection and engineering, growth optimization, high-throughput screening, and process scale-up.

The schematic of data and resource driven strategy for microalgal bioengineering. Figure 1. The schematic of data and resource driven strategy for microalgal bioengineering. (Kumar G., et al. 2020)

Services offering

Photosynthetic Efficiency Improvement

Advantages of Partnering with CD Biosynsis

  • Expertise and Experience: Our team of experts has extensive knowledge and experience in the field of microalgal biotechnology.
  • Tailored Solutions: We offer customized solutions to meet the specific needs and requirements of our clients.
  • High-Quality Services: We provide high-quality services that are designed to meet the needs of our clients.
  • Customer Support: We provide ongoing support to our clients to ensure their success.

Want to Learn More

Interested in learning more about how CD Biosynsis can help you improve the photosynthetic efficiency of your microalgal strains? Contact us today to discuss your project and learn more about our services.


  1. Kumar G., et al. Bioengineering of Microalgae: Recent Advances, Perspectives, and Regulatory Challenges for Industrial Application. Frontiers in bioengineering and biotechnology, 2020, 8:914.

Please note that all services are for research use only. Not intended for any clinical use.

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