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Bacterial Codon Optimization Service

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We offer a specialized Bacterial Codon Optimization Service aimed at maximizing protein expression in bacterial hosts. Codon optimization for bacteria involves modifying the DNA sequence of a gene to match the codon usage preferences of bacterial systems, thereby improving translation efficiency and protein yield. Our advanced algorithms and expertise in gene synthesis allow us to provide tailored solutions that meet the specific needs of our clients in pharmaceutical research, biotechnology, and industrial applications.

General codon optimization workflow(BKS Chung, et al.,2012)

Overview Service Process Examples and Solutions Frequently Asked Questions


Bacterial codon optimization services involve modifying the DNA sequence of a gene to enhance its expression in bacterial hosts. Codon optimization adjusts the codon usage to match the preferences of the bacterial expression system, ensuring efficient translation and high levels of protein production. This process considers factors such as codon bias, GC content, mRNA secondary structure, and regulatory elements. By optimizing the codon usage, researchers can significantly improve the yield and functionality of recombinant proteins expressed in bacteria.

To improve protein expression by codon optimization, strategies depend on three essential assumptions. First, rate of protein synthesis is limited by rare codons. Second, without affecting protein structure and function, synonymous codons can be used interchangeably. Third, optimization can be improved through increased production of protein by replacing rare codons with frequently used ones.


  • Increased Protein Yield: By matching codon usage to the host, translation efficiency is improved, leading to higher protein expression levels.
  • Enhanced Protein Functionality: Optimized codons can improve protein folding and stability, resulting in more functional proteins.
  • Reduced Expression Time: Faster protein synthesis due to improved translation efficiency, reducing the time required for protein production.
  • Cost-Effective Production: Higher yields and faster expression times lead to cost savings in large-scale protein production.
  • Custom Solutions: Tailored optimization for specific bacterial hosts and expression systems to meet unique research and production needs.

Service Process

  1. Project Consultation: Collaborating with researchers to understand their specific protein expression goals, including target bacterial species, desired protein yield, and application requirements.
  2. Gene Analysis: Analyzing the target gene and identifying regions for codon optimization to improve expression in the chosen bacterial host.
  3. Codon Optimization: Utilizing advanced algorithms to modify the gene sequence, ensuring compatibility with the bacterial host's codon usage preferences.
  4. Gene Synthesis: Synthesizing the optimized gene sequence and cloning it into an appropriate bacterial expression vector.
  5. Expression Testing: Validating the optimized gene through expression testing in the chosen bacterial host to ensure enhanced protein production.
  6. Quality Assurance: Performing quality control checks to ensure the integrity and functionality of the optimized gene.

For more information on our Bacterial Codon Optimization Service, please fill out our online inquiry form. One of our specialists will get back to you promptly to discuss your specific needs and how we can assist you in achieving your research goals.

Examples and Solutions

Case Examples Solutions We Offer
Therapeutic Protein Production: Enhancing expression of therapeutic proteins in E. coli. Optimizing codon usage to match E. coli preferences, resulting in increased protein yield and functionality.
Industrial Enzyme Production: Improving enzyme production in Bacillus subtilis for industrial applications. Tailoring codon optimization for Bacillus subtilis to achieve higher enzyme yield and stability.
Vaccine Development: Boosting antigen production in E. coli for vaccine research. Customizing codon sequences to enhance antigen expression in E. coli, facilitating vaccine development.
Biopharmaceutical Research: Increasing yield of research proteins in various bacterial hosts. Adapting codon usage for different bacterial systems to improve protein yield and experimental consistency.
Agricultural Biotechnology: Optimizing bacterial genes for expression in agricultural biopesticides. Modifying codon usage for bacterial expression systems to enhance the production of target proteins in biopesticides.
Synthetic Biology Projects: Enhancing synthetic gene expression in bacterial hosts. Providing tailored codon optimization for synthetic genes to ensure robust expression in different bacterial systems.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is bacterial codon optimization?

A: Bacterial codon optimization is the process of modifying the DNA sequence of a gene to match the codon usage preferences of bacterial systems, thereby improving translation efficiency and protein expression levels.

Q: Why is codon optimization important for bacterial protein expression?

A: Codon optimization enhances protein yield, improves translation efficiency, and reduces expression variability by aligning the gene's codon usage with the bacterial host's preferences.

Q: Can you optimize genes for any bacterial host?

A: Yes, we can optimize genes for a wide range of bacterial hosts, including E. coli, Bacillus subtilis, Pseudomonas, and others, ensuring maximum expression efficiency.

Q: How do you ensure the quality of the optimized genes?

A: We perform rigorous quality control checks, including sequence verification and functional validation, to ensure the integrity and functionality of the optimized genes.

Q: What documentation do you provide with the optimized genes?

A: We provide detailed reports on the optimization process, including the original and optimized sequences, and quality control results.

Q: What kind of support do you offer post-delivery?

A: We offer ongoing technical support and troubleshooting assistance to ensure the successful expression and utilization of the optimized genes in your applications.

Please note that all services are for research use only. Not intended for any clinical use.

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