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Custom Membrane Protein Expression Services

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We offer comprehensive custom membrane protein expression services designed to support the diverse needs of our clients in pharmaceutical research, structural biology, and biotechnology. Membrane proteins play crucial roles in various biological processes and are significant targets in drug discovery. Our expertise and state-of-the-art technology enable us to provide high-quality, functional membrane proteins tailored to your specific requirements. We understand the complexities and challenges associated with membrane protein expression and are committed to delivering solutions that meet the highest standards of quality and reliability.

Expression system employed for all solved membrane protein structures produced by recombinant expression currently available in the PDBTM.(A Pandey, et al.,2016)

Overview Service Process Examples and Solutions Frequently Asked Questions


Membrane protein expression can be challenging due to the complex nature of these proteins. We utilize various expression systems to overcome these challenges, ensuring optimal yield, functionality, and stability. Below is a comparison of different membrane protein expression methods and their advantages:

Expression System Description Advantages Applications
E. coli A widely used prokaryotic system. High yield, cost-effective, easy to scale up. Initial screenings, functional assays, and structural studies.
Yeast Eukaryotic system with post-translational modification capabilities. Moderate yield, better protein folding and modifications. Functional studies, protein interaction studies.
Insect Cells (Baculovirus) Uses insect cell lines for protein expression. High yield, post-translational modifications similar to mammalian cells. Large-scale production, structural biology, and drug screening.
Mammalian Cells Human cell lines for authentic protein expression. Best protein folding and modifications, high functionality. Therapeutic protein production, complex protein studies.

Service Process

Project Consultation: Collaborating with researchers to define specific protein expression goals, including target proteins, desired modifications, and intended applications.

Gene Synthesis and Cloning: Synthesizing and cloning the gene of interest into suitable expression vectors optimized for the chosen expression system.

Expression Optimization: Optimizing expression conditions to achieve high yield and functionality of membrane proteins.

Protein Purification: Purifying expressed membrane proteins using advanced chromatography techniques to ensure high purity.

Quality Assurance: Performing stringent quality control assays to validate protein purity and functionality.

Delivery and Support: Delivering purified proteins with comprehensive documentation and providing ongoing technical support.

Examples and Solutions

Case Examples Solutions We Offer
Drug Target Validation: Need high-quality GPCR proteins to validate potential drug targets. We use HEK293 cells to express high-yield GPCRs, ensuring proper folding and functionality for drug screening assays.
Structural Biology Research: Studying the structure of ABC transporters to understand their mechanisms. Our team utilizes E. coli expression systems to produce functional ABC transporters, followed by purification and crystallization support.
Biophysical Studies: Conducting stability and interaction studies on ion channels. We employ yeast cells to express ion channels, optimizing conditions to maintain protein stability for accurate biophysical analysis.
Therapeutic Protein Production: Require large quantities of a membrane protein for therapeutic applications. We use mammalian cell lines to produce and purify the protein with high functionality and correct post-translational modifications.
Functional Assays: Require various membrane proteins for functional assays. We offer custom expression services in different systems (E. coli, yeast, insect, mammalian) tailored to the specific needs of each protein.
High-throughput Screening: Need membrane proteins for high-throughput screening assays. We provide scalable expression and purification solutions to deliver large quantities of high-quality proteins.
Enzyme Studies: Investigating the activity of membrane-bound enzymes. We express and purify these enzymes in systems that best replicate their natural environment, ensuring functional integrity for enzymatic assays.
Protein-Protein Interaction Analysis: Studying interactions between membrane proteins and other biomolecules. Our custom expression services include co-expression of interacting partners and comprehensive analysis to elucidate interaction dynamics.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What types of membrane proteins can you express?

A: We can express a wide range of membrane proteins including GPCRs, ion channels, transporters, and more.

Q: What expression systems do you use?

A: We use various systems such as E. coli, yeast, insect cells, and mammalian cells depending on the protein's requirements.

Q: How do you ensure the quality of expressed membrane proteins?

A: We employ stringent purification and characterization techniques to ensure high purity and functionality.

Q: Can you customize the expression strategy based on specific project needs?

A: Yes, we tailor our approach to meet the unique requirements of each client and project.

Q: What documentation do you provide with the delivered proteins?

A: We provide detailed reports on expression conditions, purification methods, and quality control assays.

Q: What kind of support do you offer post-delivery?

A: We offer ongoing technical support and troubleshooting assistance to ensure the successful utilization of the delivered membrane proteins.

Please note that all services are for research use only. Not intended for any clinical use.

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