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DNA Assembly and Cloning

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DNA assembly and cloning are critical techniques in synthetic biology that enable researchers to create and modify DNA sequences for various applications, including gene editing, protein engineering, and synthetic biology. Traditional cloning methods, such as restriction enzyme digestion and ligation, can be time-consuming and often result in unwanted mutations or errors. However, recent advancements in DNA assembly and cloning techniques have enabled researchers to construct complex DNA sequences with greater speed, accuracy, and efficiency.

Overview of protocols of Golden Gate cloning for assembly of multiple DNA fragments. Figure 1: Overview of protocols of Golden Gate cloning for assembly of multiple DNA fragments. (Marillonnet S., Grützner R. 2020)

CD Biosynsis has been a leading company in the field of synthetic biology for years. Our expertise in DNA assembly and cloning has enabled us to offer a wide range of services to help researchers and companies in various industries advance their research and biotechnology development.

Our Services for DNA Assembly and Cloning

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Seamless Ligation Cloning Extract (SLiCE) for Efficient Cloning

Our SLiCE-based cloning service offers a streamlined and efficient method for cloning PCR products into any vector without additional steps. The SLiCE system utilizes the homologous recombination pathway in E. coli to join DNA fragments seamlessly, eliminating the need for restriction enzymes or ligases.

  • Direct cloning of PCR products without additional steps
  • Faster and more efficient cloning process
  • High cloning efficiency and accuracy
  • Seamless and error-free cloning
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In Vivo Assembly (IVA) for Single-Tube Cloning

Our IVA-based cloning service offers a universal cloning system that utilizes the recA-independent homologous recombination pathway in E. coli to perform all molecular cloning procedures in a single-tube, single-step PCR process. The IVA system eliminates the need for enzymatic assembly and reduces all molecular cloning procedures to a single-tube, single-step PCR, performed in less than two hours from setup to transformation.

  • Simplification of complex cloning procedures
  • Multi-fragment assembly
  • Library construction in approximately half the time of current protocols
  • High cloning efficiency and accuracy
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Seamless Site-Directed Mutagenesis for Protein Engineering

Our seamless site-directed mutagenesis service utilizes the SLiP (Single Ligation Plasmid) method to introduce multiple mutations simultaneously, resulting in a faster and more efficient process for protein engineering. The SLiP method allows for the introduction of specific mutations into a protein sequence to modify its function or structure, making it a powerful tool for protein engineering.

  • Introduction of multiple mutations simultaneously
  • Faster and more efficient process for protein engineering
  • High accuracy and reliability of the cloned DNA sequences
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Gateway Cloning for High-Throughput Cloning

Our Gateway cloning service offers a high-throughput cloning method that utilizes a series of recombination reactions to efficiently clone DNA fragments into a variety of vectors. The Gateway cloning system enables the rapid and efficient cloning of large numbers of DNA fragments, making it ideal for high-throughput cloning applications.

  • High-throughput cloning of large numbers of DNA fragments
  • Versatile and flexible cloning options
  • Streamlined and efficient cloning process

Our Advantages

  • Speed and Efficiency
    • Faster and more efficient cloning procedures
    • Direct cloning of PCR products without additional steps
    • Simplification of complex cloning procedures
    • High-throughput cloning of large numbers of DNA fragments
  • Accuracy and Reliability
    • High cloning efficiency and accuracy
    • High-fidelity DNA polymerases
    • Seamless and error-free cloning
    • High accuracy and reliability of the cloned DNA sequences
  • Versatility and Flexibility
    • Versatile and flexible cloning options
    • Ideal for various applications in synthetic biology
    • Universal cloning system for all molecular cloning procedures in a single-tube, single-step PCR process
    • Direct cloning of PCR products into any vector without additional steps

DNA assembly and cloning are critical techniques in synthetic biology, enabling researchers to create and modify DNA sequences for various applications. At CD Biosynsis, we offer a comprehensive range of services for DNA assembly and cloning, utilizing cutting-edge technologies to simplify and accelerate the process. Our services offer several advantages over traditional cloning methods, including speed, efficiency, accuracy, reliability, versatility, and flexibility. Contact us today to learn more about our DNA assembly and cloning services and how they can help advance your research and biotechnology development.


  1. Marillonnet S., Grützner R. Synthetic DNA Assembly Using Golden Gate Cloning and the Hierarchical Modular Cloning Pipeline. Current Protocols in Molecular Biology, 2020, 130(1): e115.
  2. Storch M., et al. BASIC: A Simple and Accurate Modular DNA Assembly Method [M]//Hughes R A. Synthetic DNA: Methods and Protocols. New York, NY; Springer New York. 2017: 79-91.

Please note that all services are for research use only. Not intended for any clinical use.

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