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Fluorescent Labeling of Proteins Service

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Fluorescent labeling of proteins service offers precise and efficient solutions for tagging proteins with fluorescent dyes, enabling researchers to study protein localization, interactions, dynamics, and activity with high resolution. This advanced technique allows for targeted modification of proteins, enhancing the accuracy and utility of experimental outcomes in various research and biotechnological applications. Our fluorescent labeling services provide comprehensive support from project design to validation, ensuring that your labeled proteins meet your specific needs.

Examples of the strategies to label the protein of interest (D Jung, et al.,2013)

Overview Applications Service Process Examples and Solutions Frequently Asked Questions


Fluorescent labeling involves attaching fluorescent dyes to proteins to create conjugates that can be detected and visualized using fluorescence microscopy or other fluorescence-based techniques. This method allows researchers to track and analyze proteins in complex biological systems. Our services utilize advanced labeling techniques, ensuring high specificity and efficiency in protein labeling.


The applications of fluorescent labeling of proteins are diverse and impactful, including:

  • Cellular Imaging: Visualizing the localization and dynamics of proteins within live cells or tissues using fluorescence microscopy.
  • Protein-Protein Interaction Studies: Investigating interactions between proteins using techniques such as Förster Resonance Energy Transfer (FRET) or fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS).
  • Single-Molecule Analysis: Observing the behavior of individual protein molecules in real-time.
  • Structural Biology: Studying the structure and conformational changes of proteins through targeted labeling.
  • Drug Development: Screening and validating potential drug candidates by labeling target proteins.
  • Diagnostic Assays: Developing fluorescently labeled proteins for use in sensitive and specific diagnostic tests.

Service Process

The process of fluorescent labeling of proteins involves several critical and interrelated steps:

  1. Project Consultation: Collaborating with researchers to define the specific labeling requirements, including the type of fluorescent dye, target protein, and intended application.
  2. Label Design and Selection: Choosing the appropriate fluorescent dye and labeling strategy based on the protein's structure and experimental needs.
  3. Protein Expression and Purification: Producing and purifying the target protein in a suitable expression system, ensuring high purity and yield.
  4. Fluorescent Labeling: Applying chemical or enzymatic techniques to attach the fluorescent dye to the protein. This step ensures high specificity and efficiency.
  5. Purification of Labeled Proteins: Isolating the labeled protein using techniques such as affinity chromatography, size-exclusion chromatography, or ion exchange chromatography to ensure high purity and specificity.
  6. Characterization and Validation: Assessing the labeled protein's purity, labeling efficiency, stability, and functionality using methods such as SDS-PAGE, Western blotting, fluorescence spectroscopy, and activity assays.
  7. Optimization and Scale-Up: Refining the labeling process based on initial results and scaling up production to meet the required quantities for research or commercial use.

Examples and Solutions

The following table provides an overview of various case studies in fluorescent labeling of proteins and the solutions we offer to support your research and biotechnological endeavors:

Case Study Description Solutions We Offer
Live Cell Imaging Labeling proteins with fluorescent dyes to study their localization and dynamics in live cells. Custom labeling, optimization of labeling conditions, and validation.
Protein Interaction Studies Using fluorescently labeled proteins to investigate protein-protein interactions through FRET. Fluorescent dye conjugation, interaction assays, and fluorescence measurements.
Single-Molecule FRET Analysis Labeling proteins with donor and acceptor fluorophores for single-molecule FRET studies. Dual labeling, optimization, and single-molecule analysis.
Enzyme Activity Assays Labeling enzymes to study their activity and conformational changes. Label design, conjugation, and activity assays.
Drug Target Validation Labeling therapeutic target proteins to track their distribution and efficacy in drug screening. Custom labeling strategies, validation assays, and pharmacokinetic analysis.
Diagnostic Assay Development Developing fluorescently labeled proteins for use in ELISA and other diagnostic assays. Custom labeling, assay development, and validation.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is fluorescent labeling of proteins?

A: Fluorescent labeling of proteins involves attaching fluorescent dyes to specific amino acid residues within a protein. This method ensures precise placement of the label, allowing for accurate detection and analysis of the protein's function and interactions.

Q: How is fluorescent labeling of proteins performed?

A: Fluorescent labeling is performed through a series of steps including project consultation, label design and selection, protein expression and purification, fluorescent labeling, purification of labeled proteins, characterization and validation, and optimization and scale-up. Each step ensures the precise and efficient labeling of proteins.

Q: What are the applications of fluorescent labeling of proteins?

A: Applications include cellular imaging, protein-protein interaction studies, single-molecule analysis, structural biology, drug development, and diagnostic assays. Fluorescently labeled proteins are essential tools for various research and biotechnological applications.

Q: What are the key steps in the fluorescent labeling process?

A: Key steps include project consultation, label design and selection, protein expression and purification, fluorescent labeling, purification of labeled proteins, characterization and validation, and optimization and scale-up. These steps ensure the successful production of high-quality labeled proteins.

Q: Why is fluorescent labeling of proteins important?

A: Fluorescent labeling of proteins is important for advancing research, developing new therapies, creating diagnostic tools, and improving industrial processes. It provides essential tools for studying and manipulating proteins with high precision in various biological and biotechnological contexts.

For more information about our Fluorescent Labeling of Proteins Services or to discuss your specific needs, please contact us. Our team of experts is available to provide guidance and support for your research and biotechnological projects, ensuring you achieve your scientific and industrial goals.

Please note that all services are for research use only. Not intended for any clinical use.

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