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Mammalian Codon Optimization Service

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We offer a specialized Mammalian Codon Optimization Service designed to enhance protein production in mammalian hosts. Codon optimization involves modifying the DNA sequence of a gene to align with the codon usage preferences of mammalian cells, thereby improving translation efficiency and protein yield. Our advanced algorithms and extensive expertise in gene synthesis enable us to provide tailored solutions that meet the specific needs of our clients in pharmaceutical research, biotechnology, and therapeutic development.

Comparative expression analysis of wildtype versus optimized genes representing different protein classes(S Fath, et al.,2011)

Overview Service Process Examples and Solutions Case Study Frequently Asked Questions


Codon optimization for mammalian cells is a crucial step in maximizing protein expression levels. Mammalian systems, such as Chinese Hamster Ovary (CHO) cells and Human Embryonic Kidney (HEK) cells, are widely used for protein production due to their ability to perform complex post-translational modifications and their relevance to human physiology. However, the efficiency of protein expression can be limited if the codon usage of the target gene does not match the preferences of mammalian cells. This is where codon optimization comes in. By modifying the gene sequence to use codons that are more frequently utilized by mammalian cells, we can significantly improve protein yield and functionality.

Why Choose Codon Optimization for Mammalian Cells:

  • Increased Protein Yield: Optimizing the codon usage to match mammalian preferences results in higher protein production.
  • Improved Translation Efficiency: Enhanced translation efficiency leads to faster and more reliable protein synthesis.
  • Reduced Expression Variability: Codon optimization minimizes variability in protein expression, ensuring consistent results.


  • Advanced Algorithms: We use state-of-the-art algorithms to design optimized gene sequences.
  • Custom Solutions: Tailored codon optimization strategies to meet the specific requirements of each project.
  • Comprehensive Support: From gene synthesis to expression validation, we provide end-to-end support.

Service Process

  1. Project Consultation: Collaborating with researchers to understand their specific protein expression goals, including target protein, desired yield, and application requirements.
  2. Gene Analysis: Analyzing the target gene and identifying regions for codon optimization to improve expression in mammalian cells.
  3. Codon Optimization: Utilizing advanced algorithms to modify the gene sequence, ensuring compatibility with mammalian codon usage preferences.
  4. Gene Synthesis: Synthesizing the optimized gene sequence and cloning it into an appropriate mammalian expression vector.
  5. Expression Testing: Validating the optimized gene through expression testing in mammalian cells to ensure enhanced protein production.
  6. Quality Assurance: Performing quality control checks to ensure the integrity and functionality of the optimized gene.

For more information on our Mammalian Codon Optimization Service, please fill out our online inquiry form.

Examples and Solutions

Case Examples Solutions We Offer
Therapeutic Protein Production: Enhancing expression of therapeutic proteins in CHO cells. Optimizing codon usage to match CHO cell preferences, resulting in increased protein yield and functionality.
Monoclonal Antibody Production: Improving antibody production in HEK cells for therapeutic applications. Tailoring codon optimization for HEK cells to achieve higher antibody yield and stability.
Vaccine Development: Boosting antigen production in mammalian cells for vaccine research. Customizing codon sequences to enhance antigen expression in mammalian cells, facilitating vaccine development.
Biopharmaceutical Research: Increasing yield of research proteins in various mammalian hosts. Adapting codon usage for different mammalian systems to improve protein yield and experimental consistency.
Cell Line Development: Enhancing gene expression for stable cell line development. Providing tailored codon optimization for stable and inducible cell line development.

Case Study

Enhancement of EPO expression using the codon-optimized EPO gene. (A) Western analysis of supernatants from 293T cells transiently transfected with plasmids containing the codon usage-hybrid EPO gene (EPOLy–EPOh). (B) Western analysis of supernatant from CHO-K1 cells permanently transfected with the plasmids carrying a codon-usage hybrid EPO gene driven by the CMV promoter (CMVp–EPOLy–EPOh) as well as the human glutamine synthetase under the TK promoter. The supernatant was harvested from the 3-day-old culture of a CHO-K1 cell line that was selected by two rounds of amplification, and was subjected to Western analysis along with the supernatant from the culture of 293T cells transiently transfected with the same plasmids. The standard deviation observed between triplicate EPO measures was 5% or less.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is codon optimization for mammalian expression?

A: Codon optimization for mammalian expression involves modifying the DNA sequence of a gene to match the codon usage preferences of mammalian cells, thereby improving translation efficiency and protein expression levels.

Q: Why is codon optimization important for mammalian protein expression?

A: Codon optimization enhances protein yield, improves translation efficiency, and reduces expression variability by aligning the gene's codon usage with mammalian cells' preferences.

Q: Can you optimize genes for specific mammalian cell lines?

A: Yes, we can optimize genes for various mammalian cell lines, including CHO, HEK, and other mammalian systems to ensure maximum expression efficiency.

Q: How do you ensure the quality of the optimized genes?

A: We perform rigorous quality control checks, including sequence verification and functional validation, to ensure the integrity and functionality of the optimized genes.

Q: What documentation do you provide with the optimized genes?

A: We provide detailed reports on the optimization process, including the original and optimized sequences, and quality control results.

Q: What kind of support do you offer post-delivery?

A: We offer ongoing technical support and troubleshooting assistance to ensure the successful expression and utilization of the optimized genes in your applications.

Please note that all services are for research use only. Not intended for any clinical use.

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