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Animal Cells Metabolic Engineering

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CD Biosynsis provides comprehensive services for metabolic engineering of animal cells to facilitate the cutting-edge research of synthetic biology researchers around the world.

Introduction to Metabolic Engineering of Animal Cells

As sophisticated cell factories, animal cells are often used to obtain complex proteins with specific post-translation modifications and biological activities. They are also the preferred hosts for the manufacture of biopharmaceuticals. However, the complex requirements of in vitro cell growth and its metabolic and physiological patterns, as well as the response of in vivo growth mechanisms to the external conditions of in vitro culture, result in low productivity and high costs. A range of rational engineering strategies has been pursued to improve the productivity of animal cells, such as delaying apoptosis, manipulation of the cell cycle, and improving metabolism and protein processing.

Metabolic engineering of animal cells aims to rewire the metabolism of cells to make them more efficient and productive or endow them abilities to produce new products. Since cells have evolved robust metabolic networks with tightly controlled communication lines between molecular pathways, it is challenging to make animal cells into efficient factories. In recent years, breakthroughs in synthetic biology have expanded our understanding of living systems. Achievements in synthetic biology have been widely adopted in the metabolic engineering of animal cells to create novel and flexible metabolic pathways, optimize metabolic fluxes, and increase the ability of animal cells to act as production factories.

Figure 1. The Design-Build-Test-Learn Cycle of Metabolic Engineering. (Nielsen J & Keasling J D, 2016)Figure 1. The Design-Build-Test-Learn Cycle of Metabolic Engineering. (Nielsen J & Keasling J D, 2016)

Key Applications

  • Protein Production
  • Biopharmaceuticals

Service Offering

CD Biosynsis provides a portfolio of synthetic biology tools for metabolic engineering of animal cells. Our services include but not limited to the following:

Metabolic Engineering of Central Metabolism

The main pathways of the central metabolism in animal cells include glycolysis, glutaminolysis, TCA cycle, and the pentose phosphate cycle. CD Biosynsis offers different strategies that directly target the redirection of the central metabolism at the cellular level.

Metabolic Engineering of Apoptosis

Apoptosis that results in cell death and destruction, with the consequent lower productivities and higher risks of product degradation, is a clear limitation for animal cells used for manufacturing purposes. CD Biosynsis provides high-quality services for metabolic engineering of animal cells for the protection of apoptosis.

Metabolic Engineering of Glycosylation

Glycosylation, which can endow proteins with a wide variety of properties, is critical to ensure the biological activity and stability of biological products. CD Biosynsis provides metabolic engineering services of glycosylation to modify the glycosylation profile of animal cells. We can apply synthetic biology tools and design principles to better understand and engineer glycosylation.

CD Biosynsis is fully committed to providing our customers with tailored one-stop solutions to help them overcome the challenges in synthetic biology. Our scientists have the ability to bring diverse creative ideas to fruition. If you are interested in our services, please contact us for more details.


  1. Nielsen J & Keasling J D. Engineering cellular metabolism. Cell, 2016, 164(6): 1185-1197.
  2. Godia F & Cairó J J. Metabolic engineering of animal cells. Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering, 2002, 24(5): 289-298.

Please note that all services are for research use only. Not intended for any clinical use.

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