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NGS Oligos Synthesis

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NGS Oligos Synthesis is a cutting-edge service offered by our company that provides high-quality oligonucleotides for Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS) applications. NGS is a high-throughput DNA or RNA sequencing technology that can quickly and accurately sequence millions to billions of DNA or RNA molecules. NGS Oligos Synthesis is the synthesis of oligonucleotides to meet the sequencing requirements of NGS experiments.In NGS experiments, a large amount of oligonucleotides are required for DNA amplification, library preparation, and sequencing. Therefore, NGS Oligos Synthesis is the synthesis of these required oligonucleotides.

Historical development of nextgeneration sequencing technologies(S Shokralla,  et al.,2012)Historical development of nextgeneration sequencing technologies (S Shokralla, et al.,2012)

Services Offered Service Process FAQs

Services Offered

We pride ourselves on providing exceptional services that cater to the unique needs of our customers. Here are some of the key highlights of our services:

  • Customized Oligo Design: We understand that every project is unique and requires specific oligo design solutions. Our team of experts work closely with you to design oligos that meet your experimental requirements, ensuring optimal performance and reliable results.
  • High-Quality Synthesis: We employ state-of-the-art synthesis technology to produce oligos that exhibit exceptional quality. Each oligo undergoes stringent quality control checks, including sequence verification and purity assessment, to guarantee accuracy and reliability in your sequencing experiments.
  • Fast Turnaround Time: We recognize the time sensitivity of your projects. Our streamlined processes and efficient workflows enable us to deliver your NGS oligos within a quick turnaround time. We ensure that you receive your oligos promptly so that you can proceed with your research without any delays.
  • Competitive Pricing: We believe that high-quality NGS oligos should be accessible to researchers with varying budgets. That's why we offer cost-effective solutions without compromising on quality. With our competitive pricing, you can obtain the oligos you need for your experiments without breaking the bank.

Service Process

Our service process is designed to ensure a seamless experience for our customers, from consultation to delivery. Here is an overview of our service process:

  1. Consultation: We begin by engaging in thorough consultations with you to understand your project requirements and specifications. By gaining a comprehensive understanding of your needs, we can provide tailored solutions that align with your research goals.
  2. Oligo Design: Our team of experts, equipped with extensive knowledge and experience, will design oligos specifically tailored to your unique experimental requirements. We take into account factors such as target sequences, desired length, modifications, and any other specifications you may have.
  3. Synthesis and Quality Control: Once the oligo design is finalized, we proceed with the synthesis phase using cutting-edge techniques. Throughout the synthesis process, we implement stringent quality control measures to ensure the accuracy, purity, and integrity of the oligos. This includes sequence verification and purity assessment to guarantee reliable results in your sequencing experiments.
  4. Delivery: Once the synthesis and quality control checks are completed, your NGS oligos are securely packaged to maintain their integrity during transit. We prioritize prompt delivery to your designated location, ensuring that you receive your oligos in a timely manner, ready to be incorporated into your research workflow.

To inquire further about our NGS Oligos Synthesis service or to place an order, please feel free to contact our dedicated sales team. Our team will be happy to assist you and provide any additional information you may need.


We understand that you may have questions regarding our NGS Oligos Synthesis service. Here are answers to some frequently asked questions:

Q: What is the turnaround time for NGS oligos synthesis?

A: Our typical turnaround time is X business days. However, we understand that some projects require urgent attention. Therefore, we also offer expedited services to accommodate your time-sensitive research needs.

Q: Can I request modifications to the oligo design?

A: Absolutely! We provide customization options to ensure that the oligos meet your specific experimental requirements. Whether it's incorporating modifications, adjusting the length, or any other customization, our team is here to assist you in obtaining the oligos that best suit your research objectives.

Q: What quality control measures are in place?

A: Quality control is of utmost importance to us. Our NGS oligos undergo rigorous quality control checks, including sequence verification and purity assessment. This ensures that you receive oligos of the highest quality, minimizing any potential issues and maximizing the success of your sequencing experiments.

Q: What sequencing platforms are compatible with your NGS oligos?

A: Our NGS oligos are designed to be compatible with a wide range of sequencing platforms. Whether you are utilizing Illumina, Ion Torrent, Pacific Biosciences, or other popular sequencing platforms, our oligos will seamlessly integrate into your workflow, providing accurate and reliable sequencing results.

Q: How do I place an order for NGS oligos synthesis?

A: Placing an order for NGS oligos synthesis is simple. To get started or inquire further about our services, please reach out to our dedicated sales team. You can contact them at [insert contact details]. They will guide you through the ordering process and assist you in obtaining the NGS oligos you need for your research.

Q: What is the recommended oligo length for NGS applications?

A: The recommended oligo length for NGS applications typically ranges from X to Y bases. However, the optimal length may vary depending on the specific sequencing platform and experimental requirements. Our team of experts can provide guidance on selecting the appropriate oligo length for your research needs.

Q: Can you provide assistance with data analysis of NGS results?

A: While our primary focus is on NGS oligo synthesis, we understand that data analysis is an integral part of the sequencing process. While we do not offer direct data analysis services, we can connect you with reputable bioinformatics partners who specialize in NGS data analysis. These partners can assist you in analyzing and interpreting your NGS results.

Q: Do you offer technical support for troubleshooting NGS experiments?

A: Yes, we provide technical support to help troubleshoot any issues related to the use of our NGS oligos in your experiments. Our team of experts is available to address any questions or concerns you may have and guide you towards resolving any technical challenges you encounter during your NGS experiments.

Q: Can you provide references or customer testimonials for your NGS oligo synthesis service?

A: Absolutely! We can provide references and customer testimonials upon request. Our satisfied customers have experienced success in their NGS experiments using our high-quality oligos. Please reach out to our sales team, and they will be happy to share relevant references and testimonials with you.

Q: Are there any special storage or handling requirements for the NGS oligos?

A: To ensure the integrity and stability of the NGS oligos, it is recommended to store them at -20°C or below. Additionally, it is important to avoid repeated freeze-thaw cycles. Detailed storage and handling instructions will be provided with the delivery of your NGS oligos.

Q: Can you assist with oligo design for unique or complex sequencing projects?

A: Absolutely! Our team of experts has extensive experience in designing oligos for a wide range of sequencing projects, including unique or complex ones. We understand the challenges that may arise in such projects and can provide customized oligo design solutions to meet your specific needs.

Please note that all services are for research use only. Not intended for any clinical use.

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