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Protein Characterization Service

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CD Biosynsis provides comprehensive protein characterization services for synthetic biology researchers around the world to facilitate their cutting-edge research.

Introduction to Protein Characterization

Proteins are complex molecular entities with different sizes, molecular structures, and physical and chemical properties. Protein characterization is one of the important parts of protein expression. Characterizing a protein can obtain useful information on its identity, purity, structure, conformation, and activity.

The precise molecular weight, amino acid sequence, charge variances, aggregation level, glycosylation, and oxidation level are the key to the in-depth characterization of proteins. Different post-translational modifications, highly specific three-dimensional structures, and the potential for aggregation, adsorption, and truncation determine the complexity of proteins. No one analytical platform or technique can meet all the requirements to characterize proteins so far.

Figure 1. Schematic diagram of a typical top down protein characterization experiment. (Reid G E & McLuckey S A., 2002)Figure 1. Schematic diagram of a typical top down protein characterization experiment. (Reid G E & McLuckey S A., 2002)

Service Offering

CD Biosynsis provides professional analytical expertise, advanced equipment, and comprehensive technical methods to fully support your synthetic biology research.

Protein Characterization

Competitive Advantages

  • Reliability—Reliable experimental results based on multiple detection methods, rigorous experimental design, and extensive experience.
  • Comprehensive Analysis Platform—Complete technology platform, including mass spectrometry analysis, N-terminal sequencing, protein conformation by circular dichroism (CD), protein metal content analysis, etc.
  • Customized Solutions—Our scientific team offers an extensive range of customized solutions to help our customers achieve project objectives.

CD Biosynsis is a recognized expert for protein characterization services. We are equipped with modern, state-of-the-art equipment and provide a variety of cutting-edge techniques. If you are interested in our services or have any specific needs, please feel free to contact us for more details.


  1. Reid G E & McLuckey S A. 'Top down' protein characterization via tandem mass spectrometry. Journal of mass spectrometry, 2002, 37(7): 663-675.
  2. Grünberg R & Serrano L. Strategies for protein synthetic biology. Nucleic acids research, 2010, 38(8): 2663-2675.

Please note that all services are for research use only. Not intended for any clinical use.

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